6 92 minBluray Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010) 19 Mar 2010Cindy Smith, Haylee Thompson, Janet D. Munro, Pete Whyte, Thor Freudenthal
7.6 161 minWEBDL Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) 25 Jul 2019Brendan Lee, Christopher T. Sadler, Justin Herman, Katie Pruitt, Kt Yunus, Mohmmad Yunus Ismail, Quentin Tarantino, William Paul Clark
7.4 163 minBluray Blade Runner 2049 (2017) 4 Oct 2017Albert Cho, Alejandro Mora, Attila Veres, Brandon Lambdin, Brian Niemczyk, Charlie Watson, Denis Villeneuve, Donald Sparks, Dora Simko, Gábor Hegedüs Hege, Gergely Apjok, Hajós Péter, Jessica Clothier, Joel Kramer, Karen Davis, Levente Kölcsey-Gyurkó, Susan M. Elmore, Tamás Péter Chipie, Vera Janisch
6.9 121 minBluray Battle of the Sexes (2017) 5 Sep 2017Jonathan Dayton, Lyn Matsuda Norton, Robert E. Kay, Thomas Patrick Smith, Valerie Faris